Intermediate Functional Training Program
360 Specialized Training
The Intermediate is directed at those who already have a decent knowledge of functional training, are consistent gym-goers and want to be pushed that little bit more, actually a lot more. You need to have a thirst to be destroyed, otherwise gain the confidence & conditioning in the Beginner Program first.
3 Month PDF training program with instructional videos to:
■ Core conditioning
■ Increased lean muscle & strength
■ Advanced kettlebell & bodyweight training
Equipment needed:
■ 2 x Kettlebells
■ 1 x Medicine Ball
■ 1 x Mat
■ 1 x Swiss Ball (Pilates Ball)
■ 1 x Bosu
Recommended workout frequency:
■ 2 to 3 times per week
3 Month Training Plan + Nutritional Plan + Kettlebell Guide
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